Uploading CSV or XLS data.
After uploading the file, you can choose to either . .
- UPDATE (or ADD) new data - based on a unique indentifying field.
eg if your existing data and the data to be imported data both have a "Surname" field, and you select "unique field" = "Surname", as the new data is imported the system will check to see if an existing item matches the "surname" of the imported data, and if it does, the existing data will be updated.
Where there isn't a match of existing data, a new item will be added to the database - ADD to existing (duplicates may be created) - All the imported data will be added to the existing data even if duplicates may be created
- REPLACE ALL EXISTING DATA - Any existing data will be deleted before the imported data is added.
The system then checks your imported data and attempts to match incoming field names with existing fields. Those that match will be automatically selected and ticked.
Fields that are not automatically matched will need to be manually matched. Eg in the example below, the incoming imported data had a field called "LAST NAME" which does not exist in the database, so is manually match to the existing "Surname" field.
Once the fields have been match, or ignored, click the [Confirm field list / process file] button and the data will be imported.