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Search Engine Opimisation [SEO]

Search Engines automatically visit your web pages from time to time to index your site's content, with patricular emphasis on the page TITLE, H1 headings on the page, Links on the page and general text.

There are several pieces of hidden information that search engines use to assist them accurately index your pages. You can customise these fields for any of your content pages by using the fields underneath the editing window.


Meta Title - By default the Meta Title will be set as the Page name but you can over-ride the default by entering an alternative here. The Meta Title appears in the very top frame of the browser and is given high importance by search engines. If you do NOT want your page searched then type the title as 'DO NOT SEARCH'

Meta Description - Most search engines use this information to display a brief summry of the page . . without it the search engine will grab the first couple of sentences on the page, which may not be appropriate.

Meta Keywords - By default your site has a set of 'Key Words' automatically embedded at the top of each page on your site. You can however add additional key words if required to provide the search engines with specific guidance for this page.