Inserting images
Inserting images on your pages is a 2 step process . . .
(1) Upload the images to the webserver
You need to upload the image FROM your computer TO the webserver.
- Choose (1) Upload files(s) to . . if you are sure the image is the right size, or
- Choose (2) Upload/Resize Images . . if you want the system to make the image the correct size.
A popup window will let you choose the file(s) from your computer, and then
[if you hace chosen option 2] it will create a 'High Res' version @ 550 pixels wide in the /_edit/Images_Hr directory, and also a thumbnail image @ 150 pixels wide in the /_edit/Images directory. You can easily alter these defaults, or depending on your site's configuration thay may have already been changed.
(2) Place the image on your page
Once the image is uploaded to the site, you can then place it on a page . .
ADMIN > CONTENT . . Open the required page by clicking on it's name.
In the editing window, position your cursor [on the lefthand side] where you want the top of the image to start.
Then click on the Green Tree icon 'Inset/edit Image' [2nd row of icons]. This will bring up a popup where you can firstly select the directory where you uploaded the required image to.
You will then get a display of all the available images. Click on the required image.
That should position that image at the bottom of that popup window where you can change the appearance [left/right etc]
Select 'Insert' and the image will be put on your page.
To position and size the image, click on the image and then use the "Style" drop-down to apply the appropriate "image_????_??" style.
There are styles to have the image left or right and a percentage of the page width.
eg "image_right_40" formats the image to the right and 40% of the page width.
Remember to "Save the page"
Automatic Galleries
You can display an automatic gallery of images [see example below] by using the Automatic Gallery functions.
As high resolution images are uploaded to your gallery directory they will be displayed as a gallery, where the first image is displayed at a large size and all the other images display as small thumbnails. Clicking on any thumbnail loads that image while clicking on the main images, or the arrows to the left and right, loads the next or previous image.
The size of the images and the direction arrows etc is controlled by the CSS styles - .galleryThumbnail / #Gallery_Image / #goBackCell / #goForwardCell