Linking the Menu Item
In the Page_URL field you can easily link to any page within your own site [eg /MenuName.asp?_=Page Name] or other external websites [eg]. If you want the link to open the link in a new window, tick the Open in new window option.
Normally, when you create a new page and after typing the page name, the CMS will automatically create the Page_URL. Eg typing a page name of "Condition" in the Main menu will automatically crete the Page_URL of /main.ap?_=Condition. This Page_URL will display the content content typed in the content window below.
Sometimes however you want to link the menu item to either an external website or perhaps other documents or pages on your own site. In this case, the Page_URL needs to be the exact URL of that website or document.
Other Links on a page
You can link any text or images to other pages or documents etc very easily.
To create a link, either highlight the required text or select the required image, then click the link icon .
By using the various dropdown options you can link to . .
Any external URL
Link to other pages on this site [Create the page you want to link to first]
Likk to other files [eg PDFs] on this site, or
Any anchors on this page [Create/Insert the anchors on you page first]
Use the Target option to set how the link will open, and the Class option to apply any special formatting.
Click Insert once your link is setup as required.