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Detailed instructions for setting up an email account on an Android smartphone

Select the Applications icon and from the menu choose Email.


You'll be requested to enter the email address and password for the account you want to view from your handset. Once you've entered these details, select Manual setup.


You'll be asked to choose form the options the type of email account it is; POP3, IMAP or Exchange account. Unless this phone is the ONLY device you are using to view/receive emails, select IMAP


Once you've selected the account type, you'll be required to review the server address and username. Depending on your Android version and phone type the layout of the settings may vary.

Incoming Mail Server Settings

Account type (POP or IMAP):

Incoming Mail Server: mail.yourdomain.com.au

User Name: your full email address


Incoming server port number: POP 995 / IMAP 993

Incoming server supports SSL? Yes


Outgoing Mail Server Settings

Outgoing mail server: mail.yourdomain.com.au

User name: your full email address


Outgoing server port: 465

Outgoing server requires Authentication : Yes [Same credentials as incoming server]

Outgoing server supports SSL? Yes

When complete, select 'Next'


Now, you'll be asked to specify the frequency the emails are checked. You can choose form options including never, to every hour and Automatic or 'Push'. If you use 'Push' or check the mail frequently you will use a lot more battery and data. You'll also need to specify how much of the email account you want synced onto the handset and whether the phone will notify you when new emails are received. Press Next.

Your email account now be accessed from your handset. You'll need to enter the name you want messages to come from and you even give the account a name. Press Done to start reading your emails.