Email Setup instructions
##EMAIL## has been set up and is ready to use.
You can receive/manage your emails in a variety of ways . .
If you want to view/manage your emails from a web browser on any computer see SECTION A
If you want your emails downloaded to a SINGLE computer or device, see SECTION B
If you want your emails available on your multiple devices, eg desktop computer, smart phone and tablet, see SECTION C
If you want to share this email address with another person, see SECTION D
(SECTION A) To use WebMail
- Your mail is only available when you have an internet connection.
- You can use any computer, anywhere, to login to WebMail.
- Your mail is stored on OUR SERVER so you should make a copy/backup of critical mail on your own computer.
IMPORTANT NOTE - For privacy and data space reasons, we do not keep any backup copies of your mail. In the event of a major server failure you will need to restore important mail from your own local computer. - You will need to manually remove old mail to ensure that you do not run out of space in your mail box.
- You do not get notified when new mail arrives. You need to login to WebMail each time your want to check for emails.
In your browser go to http://webmail.##DOMAIN## [Notice not www]
User = ##EMAIL##
Password = ##PASSWORD##
Refer to Anti-Spam section below.
(SECTION B) Setup a local email account on a SINGLE computer
- Although you must have an internet connection to download your mail, once downloaded, your mail is available even if you do NOT then have an internet connection.
- Your mail is stored on your own computer.
- You can set your computer to automatically check for new mail.
Create a new ACCOUNT within Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Live, Windows Mail (or whatever your email program is; PC or MAC)
Main basic settings are . .
INCOMING MAIL SERVER = mail.##DOMAIN## (On some systems just use ##DOMAIN## if mail.##DOMAIN## does not work)
PORT = 993
OUTGOING MAIL SERVER =mail.##DOMAIN## (On some systems just use ##DOMAIN## if mail.##DOMAIN## does not work)
PORT = 465
Tick/select "Outgoing server requires authentication" - User = ##EMAIL## , PW = ##PASSWORD##
(Because the mail.##DOMAIN## server is on a shared server, the SSL certificate may identify as 'Plesk' rather than '##DOMAIN##'. Some mail programs will display a message indicating the SSL certificate is invalid, in which case tick any 'Allow connect' or 'Continue' button.)
Then, in the Advanced section, make sure that "Leave a copy of messages on server" is NOT TICKED ***
Refer to Anti-Spam section below.
(SECTION C) Setup MULTIPLE devices
- You can download your mail to a primary device (eg desktop computer) but also view, respond, delete mail on other devices such as a smartphone or tablet.
- Your mail is stored on your own computer and copies of some of your mail is left on our server for a period of time so it can be seen by your other devices.
Firstly, the computer/device you wish to use as your main/primary mail device should be set up using a POP(3) connection as per SECTION B except that the "Leave a copy of messages on server" should be ticked and "Leave mail on server for XX days" be set to say 3 or 4 days, or what ever timeframe suits your needs **.
Secondly, every other device you wish to use should be set up as an IMAP connection using these settings . .
INCOMING MAIL SERVER = mail.##DOMAIN## (On some systems just use ##DOMAIN## if mail.##DOMAIN## does not work)
PORT = 993
OUTGOING MAIL SERVER =mail.##DOMAIN## (On some systems just use ##DOMAIN## if mail.##DOMAIN## does not work)
PORT = 465
Tick/select "Outgoing server requires authentication" - User = ##EMAIL## , PW = ##PASSWORD##
(Because the mail.##DOMAIN## server is on a shared server, the SSL certificate may identify as 'Plesk' rather than '##DOMAIN##'. Some mail programs will display a message indicating the SSL certificate is invalid, in which case tick any 'Allow connect' or 'Continue' button.)
** How does it work? Your primary device downloads your mail as required, but instead of deleting the mail on the server immediately [as normally happens with a POP connection] the mail is left on the server for a few days or weeks depending on your settings. The secondary devices make an IMAP connection which looks directly at the server and can see whatever mail the primary device has either left on the server or is yet to download.
The secondary devices can reply and delete mail, however keep in mind that whilst your replies are kept in a folder on the server, they are not then downloaded to the primary device. If having a copy of your replies is important, you can either BCC your reply to yourself, or you can set both the Primary and secondary devices are IMAP . . but you will then need to manually maintain your mail box to ensure it does not get too full.
Also if you delete mail on the secondary devices AFTER the mail has been downloaded to the primary device, the mail will be removed from the server immediately but it will remain on the primary device. It the mail is deleted BEFORE it's downloaded, the mail will not be delivered/downloaded to the primary device.
NOTE - Your mail is stored on OUR SERVER so you should make a copy/backup of critical mail on your own computer.
IMPORTANT NOTE - For privacy and data space reasons we do not keep any backup copies of your mail. In the event of a major server failure you will need to restore important mail from your own local computer.
Refer to Anti-Spam section below.
(SECTION D) Setup to share a email address
Two or more people can share a email address (on different computers or devices) where each person can see the incoming mail and the mail sent by themselves or the other people sharing the email address.***
Each person wishing to share the email address can either use WEBMAIL (Section A) or they should set it up as an IMAP connection using these settings . .
INCOMING MAIL SERVER = mail.##DOMAIN## (On some systems just use ##DOMAIN## if mail.##DOMAIN## does not work)
PORT = 993
OUTGOING MAIL SERVER =mail.##DOMAIN## (On some systems just use ##DOMAIN## if mail.##DOMAIN## does not work)
PORT = 465
Tick/select "Outgoing server requires authentication" - User = ##EMAIL## , PW = ##PASSWORD##
(Because the mail.##DOMAIN## server is on a shared server, the SSL certificate may identify as 'Plesk' rather than '##DOMAIN##'. Some mail programs will display a message indicating the SSL certificate is invalid, in which case tick any 'Allow connect' or 'Continue' button.)
NOTE - Your mail is stored on OUR SERVER so you should make a copy/backup of critical mail on your own computer.
IMPORTANT NOTE - For privacy and data space reasons we do not keep any backup copies of your mail. In the event of a major server failure you will need to restore important mail from your own local computer.
Your mailbox will not be available if you do not have internet connection.
*** How does it work? The mail (including replies and sent mail) resides on our server and can be seen by any one with the correct login credentials.
Whilst the mail server perform some basic spam filtering we encourage you to implement local spam filtering at your mail program level.
Server level spam filtering can cause legitimate email to be deleted if set too high, and set too low means more spam arrives in your mail box. It is also not possible for the mail server to 'learn by experience' as to what you consider spam etc where as, at local level, you can easily white list or black list various email senders and depending on your mail client, over time it will learn what you regard as spam or not.
Other information . .
Detailed instructions for setting up an account on an iPhone
Detailed instructions for setting up an Android smartphone [eg Samsung Galaxy]
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance
Stephen Davey
Pagination Design Services