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There is currently an issue where sending emails to ??@bigpond.com addresses may be unreliable.

The bigpond.com server(s) may be blocking mail from your mail.##client_domain## server (and many others) without returning bounce or fail messages.

Also, some ??@bigpond.com emails are experiencing difficulties when accessed from different networks.
You can check the individual validity/availability of any bigpond.com email your are intending to sent to by checking the email address at https://email-checker.net

Some of these issues are well documented on the internet, and may be related to the fact that bigpond is discontinuing their email service.

I am trying to resolve this issue with bigpond, but so far have been unable to get their co-operation.

Until Bigpond can resolve this issue, I would recommend that, if you are communicating with any ??@bigpond.com customer, you check via other means that they have in fact received your email . . and if they haven't . .


I apologise for this inconvenience and trust that, with bigpond.com's co-operation, it will be resolved quickly.


Yours sincerely,

Stephen Davey